For people working in the maritime industry seeking an Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) certificate of competency in the capacity of:

  • master on commercial vessels up to 24 m in length within 200 nautical miles or the coast
  • chief mate or deck watchkeeper on vessels up to 35 m in length within the EEZ or
  • chief mate or deck watchkeeper on vessels up to 80 m in length in inshore waters.

Our average student, aged 27 with four years of boating experience, in their second job in the marine industry and 120 days on vessels underway.(minimum 8 hour days)

AMSA Licensing

  • achieving MAR30921 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master <24 m Near Coastal)
  • a Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency
  • sea service consisting of:
    • 120 days qualifying sea service and a completed AMSA approved task book
    • 360 days qualifying sea service
  • meeting the medical and eyesight requirements. get an 1850 near coastal medical and
  • assessment by an AMSA approved assessor using the AMSA mandated practical assessment (AMPA) conducted on a commercial vessel >7.5 m in length.

Mode of Delivery

One of the first questions we get asked is “How long is the course?” In 2024/5 we students complete:

  1. a set course delivered face to face in the training centre, over three weeks Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm
  2. Workplace based training using the master 24 taskbook.
  3. Self study program using a study guide
  4. Option for additional 2-4 sessions after the face to face course. Friday 3-4pm
  5. Final assessment in the workplace and at training centre after 1-4 completed.

Every student arrives with different abilities, skill and knowledge levels. We assess these and create an individual training plan as needed to ensure you have the ability and knowledge required by regulations to carry out your job. During the course we re-evaluate where you are at, in case your plan needs adjusting with more/less training. We do face to face training as learning in a team replicates working in as a team.

Course Entry Requirements

50 days sea time on any vessel

They require the ability to operate in confined spaces, hot environments and as part of a team with good interpersonal skills. Learners need knowledge and moderate existing experience operating boats and experience of maritime operations

A sea time assessment is completed to check and confirm this experience and knowledge.
A LLN assessment is conducted to determine level and assistance required.
A training and support plan is created and updated during their enrolment.
Moderate physical ability is required to work in the maritime industry. (eg walking fast, swimming)

The next higher qualification is Master < 45 metres.

Duration and scheduling
Example: If the interview verifies the candidate has sufficient skill and knowledge strength in
• Navigation skills
• Rope handling experience
• Radar theory and Plotting
• Vessel Manoeuvring experience
• Towing & anchoring
• Seamanship ability
• Passage planning
• Maintenance skills
Then they will complete the course face to face with delivery over three weeks full time with ongoing workshops available each Friday 3-4pm. Can be 1st block (2 weeks) 2nd block (1 week) The extent and number of workshops depends on the individual and is determined at review which occurs at a key milestone in their learning. Support by phone and email is also offered as they complete up to 100 planned hours of supported self study based on their assessed needs.
Learner May be expected to spend 100 hours completing Taskbook. You need access to the time, resources, facilities and relevant experiences to safely learn and practice all requirements in a unit of competency.

Assessment methods and timing

RegulationsAMSA Marine Orders9-12POWER POINT AMSA website      100 MAGIC MILES    
Collision RulesShip rules Sound signals Lights Restricted visibility1-2 20 10 15 40POWER POINT 2 X PHYSCAL DISPLAYS SMALL SHIPS MANUAL  
Collision Rules and operations   Workplace relationsManagement Planning area Policies9-12     1-3pmReview Notes Additional Power Points   Acts
NavigationNear Coastal Offshore9-12 1-4pmPOWER POINT  
Passage PlanningChartwork Calculations9-12 1-4pmAUS252 AUS 254 Exercises
Handle vesselManoeuvre9-12  POWER POINT Cones exercies
Operate vessel Nav watchEquipment1-4Radar
ManintenanceDeck Hull9-12 1-3Videos displays
SlippingTravel lift Careening Dry dock9-11.20 11.20-1pm 2pm -3pmDocking Undocking  
MaintenanceVessels Deck Aux systems9-11 1-4VIDEOS POWER POINT VESSEL TRAILER
Environmental   SeamanshipPollution Incidents9-11 12-3 3-4Legislation   Ropes wires
Collision rulesApplication9-3pmScenarios contexualised
SeamanshipAdvanced9-4pmSecuring a vessel
Passage planningLong voyage9-12 1-3pmBlank charts Radar plotting sheets
Tutorial Manoeuvre  Operate vsl10-12 1-4pmQ A Rough conditions
Maintenance AssessmentsTugs9-12 1-3Model tug Simulator CLOSED & OPEN BOOK ASSESSMENT DUE FOR ABOVE SUBJECTS

Assessment only pathway
Often Master 24 learners will have substantial experience with boating above the 120 days. They may have worked or been around the water from a young age. Others have a mechanical background either qualified or informal. This carries across to the maintenance aspects of maritime work. We can do RPL to assess their experience but the first step is the sea time assessment. RPL assessment is charged at a $99 hourly rate, so the total cost will vary based on how many subjects(units) required


Cost is $1799

Equipment is provided including dividers, a drawing compass and parallel ruler. Also small ships manual taskbooks

  • 1/6 Commerce Close Cannonvale, QUEENSLAND or Fremantle
  • Option 1:  3 weeks minimum Face 2 Face then tutorials as planned
  • Book online with a deposit (can be transferred once) Course starting is number dependent
  • There’s an assignment or exam for each subject. Look at the list of subjects as each student is required to keep track of their own studies and progress.
  • A lot of research and study is required from each student before attending the block course as this is a time to consolidate knowledge already being gained and work as a team to close any gaps in skills and knowledge. On completion a certificate is issued.
  • The course is very practical with on water navigation exercises and attendance at a slipway and engineering workshop. If during the course you are assessed as not having the required skills or knowledge you may need to go back to employment or commit to further study. There is no guarantee of being deemed competent or receiving a certificate after training
  • There is an AMSA practical assessment conducted separately with a practical voyage in open waters and all the required drills. $449
  • Grab a copy of Small Vessels Manual and look through it in detail.
  • Checklist
  1. Check sea time and licence requirements on the AMSA website
  2. Have a interview. Complete a sea time assessment and language literacy assessment.
  3. Get a taskbook from us if necessary.
  4. Enroll and pay the $29 deposit or work out a payment plan
  5. Get the study guide.
  6. We suggest reviewing the Small vessel manual
  7. Attend a full time face to face block course.
  8. Ensure you have marine radio, long range for master < 24 ($199), First Aid ($149) and Shipboard Safety (additional charge) $399
  9. Complete an assignment or Assessment for each unit
  10. Complete the on water practical assessment
  11. Complete the AMPA assessment $449
  12. Obtain a medical 1850 report from a Doctor
  13. Submit an application to AMSA via Post office for a $180 fee.
  • Contribute to effective workplace relationships
  • Provide first aid
  • Perform routine maintenance on a vessel up to 24 metres
  • Slip or dock a vessel and maintain hull on a vessel up to 80 metres
  • Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment
  • Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel
  • Meet work health and safety requirements
  • Survive at sea using survival craft
  • Manage and maintain a navigational watch on board vessels up to 80 metres
  • Plan and navigate a passage for a vessel up to 80 metres
  • Use wheelhouse equipment for safe navigation
  • Observe regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 80 metres
  • Monitor environmental management on a vessel
  • Manoeuvre a vessel up to 24 metres within near coastal waters
  • Perform seamanship operations on board a vessel up to 24 metres

You need to submit at least one of the following as proof of qualifying sea service:

  • Record of sea service form 771
  • an approved sea service log book
  • the on board sea service record from your task book
  • a letter from the vessel operator, owner, master or chief engineer detailing your sea service.

Read more about qualifying sea service.


  • We offer access to the SEE program for learning assistance (reading writing)
  • The reading writing hotline
  • Buddy training partnerships with a matching student