“Hi. I’m Jackie, the Bar Manager. Do you know the rules on minors in licensed premises? or the minimum age for staff serving alcohol?….No?…”

Complete your Responsible Service of Alcohol course at our training centre in one day. Much quicker than the online options which can drag out for days. Start 10am Tuesdays

The course will help students understand the roles and legal responsibilities of the licensee and staff working in various types of premises licensed to sell and serve alcohol.

Learn about:
  • How reducing harm is the key issue in Responsible Service of Alcohol
  • What governments do to reduce the harm excessive drinking can cause people,  families and the community
  • Gambling Laws of different States
  • The Responsible Service of Alcohol Code of Practice
  • Look at criteria related to selling and service of alcohol to at risk customers, and include them in sales and service
  • rules  on underage drinking
  • what drinking does to people
  • How to identify an intoxicated person
  • How to deal with intoxicated customers including refusal of service
  • Regular drink sizes
Course Structure

Part 1: Legislative Framework

Part 2: Alcohol and its Affects

Part 3: Responsible Hospitality Practices

Part 4: Unduly Intoxicated

Part 5: Minors

Part 6: Dry and Restricted Areas

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